Monday, April 2, 2012

LIVE IN YOUR OWN LAW OF ATTRACTION- "MONEY CAVE!!" (Money Designed Wallpaper for Bedroom or Entire House)

Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not- this wallpaper will bring you prosperity! That is a Guarantee!

"Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble." - Albert Einstein.

If the title of this blog sparked your attention, I assume you have probably seen The Secret. If you haven't, then you need too. The link to watch it (streamed) free and immediately is posted here (make sure and read the rest of this article about the money wallpaper before watching though): .. when at the site- scroll down about two inches to the video- click "Close Ad Watch as Free User" then click "Start Video Now" .. that easy.

The Secret Movie advises you to make a vision board to look at everyday in order to attract prosperity (or anything else you're looking to bring into your life). That would only be a Tedious Pain in the butt in my opinion, and also seems to lack the "WOW" Effect to really boost up that High Positive Feeling About Money which is the most important thing of all according to the Law of Attraction.

The Secret also advises you to feel like you are "Already Abundant." Too picture yourself in the car- Driving the car, pushing down the gas pedal, being excited about Your New Car! Doing that type of thing is called Holographic Viewing and would be much more Powerful- especially with practice.

However, what if instead- or in addition to that, the walls of your house were covered in money wallpaper!? You notice how taking the time to imagine you're in that car, or even making a vision board seems less like a chore when doing it with 'money wallpaper' surrounding you? That's because you're in a higher energy vibrational frequence which is key to attracting prosperity!

Moreover, the secret also says you attract what you think about most. Your subconscious will continuously be thinking about money when your walls are covered in money wallpaper. Anytime you think about your house you will automatically trigger the thought of money and tune into a a money attracting frequency.

Not only that- you would also be the only one in your entire community who lives in a Money Cave! And it will Defintely Raise and Keep your "Money-Tuned" Energy up and Positive!! I personally live in my own Law of Attraction "Money Cave!" And for a VERY FAIR price you can too!

If interested- just send an email to our company email address and we will send you photos of all the different designs we have available. If you are still interested after seeing our designs (you will be!) just email us back and we will work with you on getting your house transformed into a money cave!

The company (Metaphysics Galaxy) email address will be posted at the bottom of this article.

Side Note: I personally also endorse psychic ability enhancement programs as well. Feel free to take a look at my blogs- which even offers several Free Psychic Enhancement Programs- the link to that blog will also be posted at the bottom of this article.


Money designed wallpaper for your house or even just your bedroom is ONLY available through Metaphysics Galaxy- absolutely nowhere else offers money designed wallpaper for physical places- just computer desktops etc.

Aside from the Law of Attraction aspect of this project- it is also original and unique. What is not to love about money? If you have an answer to that question, then you need this wallpaper more than you think! You are repelling money! Regardless of whether or not you believe in the law of attraction- this wallpaper will bring you wealth, abundance and prosperity!! It's the fullproof method!

Metaphysics Galaxy Email:
Psychic Programs I am personally promoting (including freebies- here only):

1 comment:

  1. “What you seek is seeking you.” - Rumi
    Free Gift (Manifest Money and Success)
    Claim yours before offer end
